Thursday, April 27, 2006

Less We Forget

The post 9/11 world first began for America on United Airlines Flight 93. The passengers and crew came into the shocking reality that our nation was under attack, and our very attackers had taken control of their plane and were using it as an 850,000 (take off weight) pound missile.

The battle cry, “Let’s Roll” has been forgotten. The heroic efforts of these every day American citizens has been lost in the political fray of blame, hate, and denial. On April 28th this will all change; the movie titled ‘United 93’ will be released across the country and every American should take the time to see it and remember that fateful day for what it was; an unprovoked attack on our nation.

On April 25th, the families were able to view the premier of this movie and this is the opinion of one family member whose son sacrificed his all in the protection of American liberty.

“In this case and at this time, it is appropriate to get a dose of reality about this war and the real enemy we face. It is not too soon for this story to be told, seen and heard. But it is too soon for us to become complacent.

There are those who would hope to escape the pain of war. Can't we just live and let live and pretend every thing is OK? Let's discuss, negotiate, reason together. The film accurately shows an enemy who will stop at nothing in a quest for control. This enemy does not seek our resources, our land or our materials, but rather to alter our very way of life.

Be reminded of our very real enemy. Be inspired by a true story of heroic actions taken by ordinary people with victorious consequences. Be thankful for each precious day of life with a loved one and make the most of it. Resolve to take the right action in the situations of life, whatever they may be. Resolve to give thanks and support to those men, women, leaders and commanders who to this day (1,687 days since Sept. 11, 2001) continue the counterattacks on our enemy and in so doing keep us safe and our freedoms intact.”
David Beamer; father of Todd Beamer, a passenger on United Airlines Flight 93.

I would encourage you to read his entire article and would implore you to watch ‘United 93’…less we forget.


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The US, Iran & Nuclear Energy: stuck between a centrifuge and a hard place

When discussing nuclear energy and the potential to convert that energy into military weapons, the rhetoric coming from the government of Iran continues to escalate the consequences of not having a united front.

On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, announced that the nuclear technology that they are developing may not remain in Iranian hands.

"Iran's nuclear capability is one example of various scientific capabilities in the country. ... The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists,"

These remarks came as Ayatolla Ali Khamenei was meeting with the President of Sudan, President Omar al-Bashir. Sharing this type of technology with nations such as Sudan or splinter terrorist groups like Hammas is what THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ( NPT ) was designed to prevent.

The UN’s inability to provide a clear and concise message from the other world leaders; continues to embolden the Iranians to go forward, not only with their rhetoric but with their development of nuclear materials. While it is the right of each member of the NPT to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, this right becomes questionable when a member state (such as Iran) speaks publicly of wiping other nations “off the map”.

Throw in two permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia and China, who continue to provide leverage for the Iranians to move forward with their nuclear ambitions when they make statements such as:

"We see no alternative to the negotiations process,"
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov

We maintain that there is still room for the solution of this issue through negotiation, and the international community should not quit its effort.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang

It isn’t the international community who’s sending mixed messages regarding the Iranian nuclear issue, it’s Iran. China and Russia seem to have no stomach for economic sanctions being placed on Iran and Iran seems to have no interest in changing thier current policy of rhetoric while developing nuclear materials.

This conundrum places the US, EU and the UN in what can only be called a difficult situation. Iran continues to posture and the only real teeth the UN has is through the IAEA and the Security Council which China and Russia refuses to unleash. A new ‘balance of power’ is emerging from the Middle East, the Far East, and Russia and America seems to be a spectator in world events. 2006 will prove to be a very challenging year for the State Dept., with regards to Iran.

Mike DiBartolo

Welcome to California


The Golden State;
with hundreds of miles of beautiful beaches and majestic mountains.
Giant Redwood and Sequoia’s that scratch the stairs of heaven.
Lakes as blue as emeralds, and valleys that stretch for hundreds of miles.
With over 30 million souls from Crescent City on the north coast to
Blythe in the Sonoran Desert, California represents every walk of life and nationality.
Known for being laid back, California is a dream land for many who call it home.

When the President of the United States pays California a visit: how is he greeted?

The Governor treats him like the last kid to be called ‘over’ in the game ‘Red Rover! – Red Rover!’
He shuns him as if the President had anything to do with his own declining approval ratings,
and a liberal state legislature who’s run-a-muck.
Yet the Governor tolerates the President because he has something the Governor wants; Money.
With hat in hand the Governor begs for money from the Federal Government to fix the problems he is unable to address with the California Legislature.

Following the Governor’s lead, how do the people of California greet the President?

With jeers and protest! Demanding his removal from office and likening him to Adolf Hitler.
They declared the War on Terror a failure and the President a criminal.
They declare; that to dissent is to be patriotic and they have the right of expression and assembly.
While waving flags of terrorist states and Communist regimes, they demand that the President leave California immediately!

If anyone in this crowd of ‘Californians’ dared to express support for the President;

They were shouted down and told to leave California with the President.
Expletives were used to express the disgust that these ‘Californians’ had for them and the President that they supported.
While children were present, they would continue their barrage of verbal attacks causing the supporters of the President to seek the protection of the local police. These ‘Californians’ demanded and expected their right to dissent but they would not tolerate ANY other opinion other than their own.

How do the Californian dissenters support one another?

One brings a backpack filled with wires and tubing and drops it in the middle of this demonstration. The police pursue this person into the crowd and eventually apprehend him. The Bomb Squad is called in to defuse what turns out to be an elaborate hoax.

All this from Californians…
All this from a society that prides itself on the rule of law and democracy…
All this because of a visit to California by our President…

Dear Mr. President,

What happened during your visit is an embarrassment to California. On the behalf of those who weren’t represented either by our Governor or those rabid protestors in the streets, we would like to apologize. We are a decent people who respect the law and our elected officials. Voting for you is not a prerequisite to showing a sense of decorum when you pay us a visit. Those who chose to show you the underbelly of our society did so of their own accord and in no way reflect the views of the 30+ million souls who call this state our home.


The People of Great State of California

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

"60% of Iraq is at peace right now.”

In an interview with Radio Talk Show Host, Hugh Hewitt; Jeb Babbin, author of the new book “Showdown”, navigates through the fog of the main stream media and paints a realistic picture of the progress being made in the Iraqi theater, Donald Rumsfeld’s roll as Defense Secretary, and the ‘night of Generals’, where 6 retired generals call for the resignation of the Defense Secretary. The transcript of this interview can be found on

On April 18th , Jeb Babbin was part of a 15 person panel of military commentators who interviewed the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Pace, and the assistant director of operations for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Carter Ham just to name a few.

During Hugh Hewitt’s interview, he noted how that there are very few reports on the cities just outside Bagdad which are prospering in this new era for the Iraqi people. He said,

“There's a New York Times story on the Babylonian excavations, and damage done or not done during the war, and how the restoration of Babylon is going on. But it mentions almost matter of factly, that Hilla, which is the city outside of Babylon, is's only sixty miles south of Baghdad, it's perfectly peaceful. There are no Sunni insurgents, there aren't Shiite militias. In fact, "factories are churning, Iraqi security forces are patrolling, and the streets pulsate with life, children bounding to school, crowds wading into markets, taxis gliding by. The mayor says I want restaurants, gift shops, long parking lots, he said." It's not at all what you normally get from the media.”

To which Babbin replied,

“if all you're going to do is sit at the bar at the Al Rasheed Hotel, and then run out and take pictures of the most recently blown up car, you're going to get a little bit of a different view of Iraq. In fact… 14 out of 18 provinces are utterly at peace. There is a very concentrated insurgency, and by no means should we discount that or minimize it. But the vast majority, 60% of Iraq is at peace right now.”

In response to questions regarding the ‘Night of the Generals’, Babbin stated,

“I sat there today, and I heard the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Peter Pace, and he said, and I'm not quoting directly, because I didn't write it all down, but basically, he said look, we have gone through these war plans. These are not only Mr. Rumsfeld's plans. They're Tommy Franks' plans. They're all the combat and commanders' plans. They're my plans. They're the Joint Chiefs' plans. This is not somebody who overrides his military advisors. Yeah, he is tough. Yeah, he may be a bit impatient. But this is not a guy who is out there on some wild frolicking detour. He's a very serious guy. He's fighting a very serious war.”

For the complete interview, go to


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Flight 93

Many imagine what they’d say or do,
When faced with death or trouble brews.
But for 37 souls above our skies,
A choice was made to end their lives.
Not by them but by men of terror,
Attacking our country, but they made one error;
They attacked Americans on that fateful day,
With cell-phones ringing expressing dismay.
They chose to fight to defend our land,
Even if death would be their final stand.
They weren’t soldiers, officers, or armed with guns,
They boiled water as a weapon, and a cart for a gun.
They fought back valiantly on that day of terror.
They caused the terrorist to note their crucial error.
‘HOLD THE DOOR!’ The terrorist cried.
Americans were fighting from the other side;
To thwart the decision to attack our land
In the Pennsylvania sky, they made their stand.
‘Let’s roll!’ is what these Americans said,
Causing these men of terror to know our dread.
This land is ours and defend it we will,
Despite all our flaws, it’s our country still.
At 10:03; no more sounds or sensations,
The heroes of ’93 had defended our nation.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Deja Vu

Theories and relativities;
Visions and causalities.
Ever changing the orbit of history,
But never changing the gravity.
That our predicament is heaven sent.
For Freedom’s gains, is Evil’s bent.
An anti-christ with nuclear power,
Has broke the seal in this history’s hour.
Men fail to fear what they can’t comprehend,
Each Day of Judgment, with a moment begins.
Evil’s desire is now Evil’s gains;
It’s ascension to power and humanity’s pain.
A moment, a sliver, a second in time,
Marks the woes of humanity and freedom’s decline.
It’s here, it’s upon us; the circle is complete.
Evil preys upon the innocent,
Because good men chose to sleep.

April 11th, 2006, the President of Iran announced that his government has successfully enriched plutonium for nuclear purposes.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Daddy's Song

I was six weeks old when you decided to leave.
You left my Moms standing there with a child on her sleeve.
No note, no pictures, not even a card.
You just abandoned me, you ditched me;
it wasn’t even hard for you to take off and leave you son your own flesh and blood.
It’s just me and Moms now, trying to face the world.

As the years went by me lies got better and better,
About who my Daddy was, man I was getting so clever.
You were a pilot in ‘Nam, you were a Captain in the Navy;
A trucker, a constructions worker, the lies were getting so shady.

To keep them in the dark, my lies cam faster and faster;
I couldn’t let anyone know that you made me a bastard.
A son without a Dad for no fault of his own;
Was a fact to keep silent until I was grown.

In my teens it really bothered me to be without answers,
My lies were getting deep, eating me up like cancer.
Because of you I had to lie,
because of you I had to cry,
Because of you I had to become a man on the fly.
Moms did her all; she did the best that she could.
But what could she really teach me about manhood?

That’s when I hit my knees and began to pray,
‘Lord I can’t keep this up day after day.’
What if I get married and I have a son?
Can I lie to him too, ‘bout what his grand-daddy done?

It’s not his fault that you committed this crime!
That you abandoned your son;
that you wouldn’t take the time to show me some love, some guidance and support;
play some one-on-one basketball, maybe help build a fort.

But my quest to find you was finally fulfilled.
I actually located my Dad; man, could this be real?
We look more alike that I could ever imagine.
But even though I had found you, my soul was still lackin’.

Then one summer’s day when all Daddy’s are honored;
God filled my soul; my life was changed forever.
‘It was you that I was searching for all of this time,’
Said my soul to the God the Father that helped me find mine.
He filled me with something that my Daddy could never do.
He filled me with peace. He filled me with truth.

He said you’re not a bastard; you’re a child of Mine.
I have always loved you, even before I created time.
Don’t fret my son, and be of good cheer!
I am the Lord your God you have nothing to fear.

You can stop those lies, all that bitterness and pain.
For we are together now, your life will surly change.
I will teach you how to love.
I will teach you how to live.
I will bless you with a son, and a fort you two can build.
I have never forgotten the cries of your heart my son.
I will bless and protect you,
Like a Father to His son.


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