Monday, July 10, 2006

Axis of Weasels

by Mike DiBartolo

Idn't funny how these liberal/progressive (L/P) are now criticizing the Bush Administration on how they're dealing with North Korea and Iran? When Bush called Iraq, Iran, and North Korea the "Axis of Evil" some of these L/P's 'bout blew a gasket. They couldn't understand why Bush would make such a claim.

Now, with North Korea creating instability in Central Asia and Iran threatening to wipe Israel off of the map...those same critics are now saying Bush should do more than forge a diplomatic solution. These same critics of the war in Iraq...these same people who are calling for Bush's impeachment for taking the fight to the terrorist and removing Saddam from power are now questioning why he is not using a preemptive policy when dealing with North Korea.

But it doesn't end there.

If they're not criticizing why Bush isn't implementing the "Bush Doctrine" then they are criticizing the Bush Doctrine as a failed policy.

You can't win with this nutters and they will continue to draw absolutely mindless conclusions to the world we find ourselves in. It's absolutely insane. How can anyone trust their security to these people and the political party they represent? They have taken the philosophy of attacking both sides of every issue in order to condemn all that the US is doing around the world.

On Fox I listened as Allan Colmes drilled some talking head who was invited on the Hannity & Colmes show...suggesting that the Bush Doctrine isn't working. Colmes suggested that Afghanistan and Iraq are failed democracies and that the Bush Doctrine (promoting democracies in troubled areas of the world) is a complete failure. I guess the free elections in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon are failures. I guess the opening of elections in Egypt and the surrendering of WMD technology by Libya are also failed policies.

Then on CNN's 360...Anderson has some other talking head on his show talking about how Bush has abandoned his own doctrine when dealing with North Korea and Iran. They suggested that the Iraqi Front in this war on terror has stopped Bush from doing anything else around the world. No mention that Bush forewarned of these governments more than 3 years ago. No mention of our troops successes in the Horn of Africa or our intelligence success that have thwarted numerous terrorist plots around the globe. These success have occurred despite factions in the main stream press like the New York times who seem to enjoy disclosing any and all efforts to win this war regardless if the efforts are classified or not.

The L/P's are attacking the Bush administration for anything that is happening around the world. They won't mention the UN's inability to deal with North Korea. They won't mention the EU's failed attempts to stop Iran from developing WMDs. And they won't mention any US successes in the war on terror.

In the Democrat's effort to undercut the war effort in Iraq, they have fostered an atmosphere that undercuts our efforts in the overall war on terror. What is truly frightening is that in 2008 we will have a new administration who will inherit a foreign policy that is mired with 'shoulda-woulda-coulda' second guessers and they will of course point the blame elsewhere when asked about their own efforts to undermine US foreign policy.

They are the Axis of Weasels and it is they who are doing their best to sway the American people to think as they do rather than inform the American people of the world around us and how we are engaging this world in the 21st Century.

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