A Message to the California Legislature: YOU'RE FIRED!
The California legislature or should I say the California Oligarchy has struck again. It was only 5 years ago when THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA voted on proposition 22 which stated:
“Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.”
The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of this language being in place in California law (61.4% in favor and 38.6% against), but the California legislature who obviously do not represent the people of their districts, decided to flip their noses at the will of the people and make gay marriage legal nonetheless.
On Thursday Sept. 1st while Californian's and the nation's attention was on relief efforts for our brothers and sisters in the Gulf region after Hurricane Katrina, the California Oligarchy pushed a measure through the State Senate that would nullify the vote and will of the people and change California law to state that marriage is between 'two persons' rather than between a man and a woman.
This is a blatant disregard to the will of the people of California. When Californians voted on Prop. 22; 52 of the 58 counties in California voted for the proposition; this included every major metropolitan area except for San Francisco. The people clearly made their will clear but the California Oligarchy, continues to force their will and their political beliefs upon the entire state.
ol·i·gar·chy (l-gärk, l-)n. pl. ol·i·gar·chies
a. Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.
b.Those making up such a government.
A state governed by a few persons.
This issue is more than a "gay marriage" issue. This is about the people of California taking back the power that is rightly theirs. Californians demand more border security; the California Oligarchy tries to give illegal drivers licenses. Californians state that marriage is between a man and a woman; the California Oligarchy tries to undermine the will of the people and actually saluted the mayor of San Francisco as a hero when he blatantly broke the law and issued marriage licenses to gays in the City of San Francisco.
Californians need to have a 'Vote of no Confidence' with respect to the legislature and after the results are in... WE NEED TO FIRE THE STATE SENATE AND MANY OF THOSE IN THE STATE ASSEMBLY!
This is our state and we need to take it back. The legislature and many others in Californians political office, like the attorney general and the Lt. Governor, have used their office to undermine the will of the people. This has to stop but it will not until the PEOPLE of CALIFORNIA take their state back and demand that our "representatives" actually represent us and our will for the state. We do not place state senators and assemblymen in office to make decisions for us, we place them in office to represent us; our districts, our cities, our values. This Oligarchy needs to be removed and replaced with those who understand their roll in California's government.
Californians; call the Governor's office; his number is (916) 445-2841. Tell him that he must veto this bill and recognize the will of the people and proposition 22.
Call the Governor's office, (916) 445-2841 and let him know that California demands full representation by our government and that we will not tolerate this illegitimate Oligarchy who's doing more to force their will upon the people than doing the will of the people.
Call the Governor's office, (916) 445-2841 and let him know that we are 'mad as hell and we're not taking this any longer!'
The Legislature has lost its way and has lost the pulse of the people. Democratic Sen. Liz Figueroa of the east bay says, "When I leave this legislature, I want to be able to tell my grandchildren I stood up for dignity and rights for all."
What her grandchildren need to know is that she went against the will of the People of the great state of California to push her personal views across the land under the political correct banner of relative "equality".
Wake up California... Call your "representative".... Call the Governor....
Our system is a system 'of the people, by the people, and for the people'. Let's educate our legislature about this core principle of a democratic government.
Demand a vote of confidence! Fire the Oligarchy! Vote in representative who will RESPECT THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
The Working Patriot
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