AB 2948 not the answer to disenfranchised Voters
AB 2948 attempts to address the Electoral College by forming an alliance with other states to submit their entire electoral vote count to the popular winner of the national Presidential/Vice-Presidential election.
On the surface this may seem like a grand idea but what it does is prop up the current two party system and continues to alienate viable third party candidates by allocating all of the electoral votes to one political party candidate. This accomplishes the same affect as the current 'winner-take-all' program. Millions of Californians who may have voted for a different candidate than even the popular vote winner of other states would still be mandated to award that popular vote winner (of other states)all of California's 55 votes. This does not represent the congressional districts within the State. It trumps their popular vote results for those of other states within the union.
To fairly represent the will of each Congressional District, the popular results of each district should dictate where that particular electoral vote will go. The national popular vote winner will receive the two electoral votes that represent the US Senate Districts but each House Congressional District will award their vote according to the will of the people within their respected districts.
While we are voting on a national ticket, our voices are better heard through our Congressional representation. If three districts in California believe that the Green Party Candidate is best suited for the President/Vice-Presidential office then their votes would be awarded to reflect that. If another four Congressional Districts believe that the Libertarian Candidates are the best suited for the job then their votes would reflect their local, political, and popular will.
Each State must keep its unique rights within the constitution so making packs with other states to affect the Presidential Election circumvents the will of the people who are seeking representation within those states.
AB 2948 falls short of what is required to best represent the will of all Californians participating in our national elections.
This bill requires a veto by our Governor, and the Assembly should seek the will of Californians and not those of other states within the Union when trying to best represent their will in a national election.
Michael DiBartolo
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