Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Daddy's Song

I was six weeks old when you decided to leave.
You left my Moms standing there with a child on her sleeve.
No note, no pictures, not even a card.
You just abandoned me, you ditched me;
it wasn’t even hard for you to take off and leave you son your own flesh and blood.
It’s just me and Moms now, trying to face the world.

As the years went by me lies got better and better,
About who my Daddy was, man I was getting so clever.
You were a pilot in ‘Nam, you were a Captain in the Navy;
A trucker, a constructions worker, the lies were getting so shady.

To keep them in the dark, my lies cam faster and faster;
I couldn’t let anyone know that you made me a bastard.
A son without a Dad for no fault of his own;
Was a fact to keep silent until I was grown.

In my teens it really bothered me to be without answers,
My lies were getting deep, eating me up like cancer.
Because of you I had to lie,
because of you I had to cry,
Because of you I had to become a man on the fly.
Moms did her all; she did the best that she could.
But what could she really teach me about manhood?

That’s when I hit my knees and began to pray,
‘Lord I can’t keep this up day after day.’
What if I get married and I have a son?
Can I lie to him too, ‘bout what his grand-daddy done?

It’s not his fault that you committed this crime!
That you abandoned your son;
that you wouldn’t take the time to show me some love, some guidance and support;
play some one-on-one basketball, maybe help build a fort.

But my quest to find you was finally fulfilled.
I actually located my Dad; man, could this be real?
We look more alike that I could ever imagine.
But even though I had found you, my soul was still lackin’.

Then one summer’s day when all Daddy’s are honored;
God filled my soul; my life was changed forever.
‘It was you that I was searching for all of this time,’
Said my soul to the God the Father that helped me find mine.
He filled me with something that my Daddy could never do.
He filled me with peace. He filled me with truth.

He said you’re not a bastard; you’re a child of Mine.
I have always loved you, even before I created time.
Don’t fret my son, and be of good cheer!
I am the Lord your God you have nothing to fear.

You can stop those lies, all that bitterness and pain.
For we are together now, your life will surly change.
I will teach you how to love.
I will teach you how to live.
I will bless you with a son, and a fort you two can build.
I have never forgotten the cries of your heart my son.
I will bless and protect you,
Like a Father to His son.



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