Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What Border Problem?

As politicians continue to kowtow to the ever increasing number of Mexican residents (illegal or legal), they do so at the peril of our own sovereignty as a nation. Legal citizens will always have voice in our society but our politicians are ignoring the voices of the majority of legal residents when they ignore the issues on our border. The lethal force being used my Mexican Militia is either being ignored or encouraged by the Mexican Government. They have infiltrated our borders, kidnap our citizens, and escorted drug/people traffickers into our country. The border problem in the US is more than an issue of picking produce but an issue of national security. According to a recent article in the Washington Times:

"A total of 216 incursions by suspected Mexican military units have been documented since 1996 -- 75 in California, 63 in Arizona and 78 in Texas, according to a Department of Homeland Security report.
Attacks on Border Patrol agents in the past few years have been attributed to current or former Mexican military personnel. U.S. law-enforcement officials have long thought that current and former Mexican soldiers are being paid to protect drug shipments bound for the United States.
Several agents said the attacks have escalated in the past two years as U.S. security efforts on the border have increased -- including the July shooting of two agents in an ambush near Nogales, Ariz., by assailants in black commando-type clothing, who fired more than 50 rounds. Authorities said the gunmen used military-style cover-and-concealment tactics to escape back into Mexico. No one has been arrested.

We, as American Citizens need to seriously consider:

• A Guest Worker program: This would give us the ability to discern between those seeking employment and those trafficking drugs; not to mention thwarting the opportunity for terrorist to exploit this ever increasing problem on our southern border
• Southern Border fence/barrier: to assist our law enforcement in curtailing the crossing by illegal means
• National Guard Patrols: both air and ground.
• Additional funding for increased staffing for our border states to employ, train and equip our law enforcement to deal with the unique problems we face at the border we share with our friends down south.
• Your input: What do you believe we need to do to:
o protect our citizens
o repel foreign militias from crossing our border
o allow a smooth flow of those who want to legally enter our country
o curtail the violent drug trafficking


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