California Special Election: November 8th, 2005
In less than a week, Californians will go to the polls to vote on issues that are important to the survival of democracy in our state as we know it. The current situation in the State Capital consist of powerful special interest groups including unions combined with politicians who draw their own districts, vote in their own raises, and either delay or vote against measures that would protect our children from sexual predators. Our state government is in disarray; an actual oligarchy with special self interest groups pulling the strings is what is running the State of California. The current Governor is doing his best to right this ship but he is going up against a very powerful foe. The combined efforts of the politicians and the special self interest groups are outspending the governor twenty to one to stop the changes demanded and expected by the people of California.
The issue of complacency has already been addressed in this blog and what we are witnessing the week prior to the special election is complacency run a muck and the power of television advertisements to influence those who choose not to think for themselves. Californians have an opportunity to speak with a loud voice that our government will be ran by the people and not by special interest and power grubbing politicians. The question remains…Will we take advantage of this opportunity or will we allow ourselves to be dooped yet again by those who wish our state to remain under the control of a select few while being paid for by ever increasing laws, taxes, fees, and bonds that are levied against the rest of us for just living in California?
On Nov. 8th Californians will vote on issues that will protect parent and family rights (Prop 73), level the playing field of special self interest groups and their funding of political issues and campaigns (Prop 75), take the power of redistricting from the politicians and placing it in the hands of the people (Prop 77), ensure that those who are hired to teach our children in public schools are committed to the success of our children’s education and more importantly that they are qualified to meet the goals set by the state to ensure our children’s educational success before they receive tenure (Prop 74), and setting restrictions on how our representatives establish a state budget to reduce wasteful spending and growing deficits (Prop 76).
In 2003 Californians made history by recalling a sitting Governor who had failed the people of California and sent our state spiraling out of control and almost into bankruptcy. It was a bloodless revolution and the voice of the people did not die there. This special election has come under fire by special self interest groups and politicians across the state. They have spent hundreds of millions of dollars; first trying stop the special election altogether and now to undermine each proposition in a effort to keep things as they are…regardless of the benefits to the people of California. They have made it clear that the best interest of Californians is not their primary concern and it is up to you, the voter, to send them a loud and clear message; that the People California run this state and not the money or the assumed power of special self interest groups.
Regardless if you were for or against the recall of our last governor, the people of California have to continue to move forward in our recovery and these measures deserve your consideration and vote. Don’t vote a particular way because someone tells you to, but consider carefully what each proposition means for the state of California and vote as an informed voter who’s concerned about the state in which they live. This is not the time for political payback; this is the time for the people to reclaim that which is theirs…the voice of our government and legislature.
Vote Nov. 8th. Vote for California. Vote for democracy.
M. DiBartolo
American Zulu
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