The Declaration of Christ' Redemption
The unanimous Declaration of the entire Redeemed World,
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for all People to dissolve the sinful Bands which have connected them with certain eternal death and separation from God, and to assume the true design of creation, have a personal and inseparable Loving relationship with God the Father. Keeping our decent respect to the will of God requires that we should declare the truths, which impel our reconciliation.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all mankind is created equal and has been awarded the opportunity for salvation, that We have been endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights and responsibilities, among those are to share the Life and Love of Jesus the Christ, walk in the Joy and Liberty that the LORD has given us, and diligently pursue the Great Commission by making Disciples of all the Nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That to secure these rights and responsibilities we have received freely the grace of God revealed through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus the Christ, for the remission of our Sins. The just Power of His sacrifice is derived from the consent of the Father, that whenever any form of Sin becomes destructive to these Ends it is the Right and Will of the Father to abolish it through the Blood of His Son, Jesus the Christ, and to institute forgiveness and mercy, laying down His foundations on such Principles, and organizing His Powers in such Form, as to Him and Us shall be the perfect effect for our Salvation and Fullness of Joy.
To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World. ___ He has offered His Son for our Transgressions (Isaiah 35:5). ____He has declared us free from all condemnation of Sin for Loving Jesus (Romans 8:1). ____He has declared us a New Creation in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). ____He has given Us Eternal Life (John 3:16). ____ He has given us His Laws, the most Wholesome and necessary measure of Moral Good (2 Timothy 3:16). ____He has made plans for Peace and Hope for all of Us (Jeremiah 29:11). ___He is Faithful and Just to Forgive us (1 John 1:9). ____He has Willfully taken upon Himself Our Due punishment (Hebrews 2:9). ____ He has Delivered us from Darkness (Colossians 1:13). ____He has Loved us since before the Foundation of the Earth (Jeremiah 1:4-5). ____
We therefore, the Redeemed of the LORD, Assemble and appeal daily to the Supreme Judge of the World, Jesus the Christ. We declare our Intentions in the Name, and by the Authority of Jesus the Christ that these Redeemed people of the World are, and by His Cleansing blood of Atonement, ought to be, Free and Christ-Redeemed children of God; that Christ has absolved all of our Allegiance to the World and that all Sinful connection between Us and the world, is and ought to be totally Dissolved; and that as a Free and Christ-Redeemed people, We have received full Power by His Holy Spirit, to levy War against Sin, conclude the Peace of God with All Mankind, express our Sincere Love towards God the Father, Jesus the Christ our Savior, and our Brothers and Sisters in Faith; Worship, Pray and do all other Acts and Things which Christ-Redeemed People may of right do. ____And for the Support of this Declaration, with firm Reliance on the Protection of His divine Providence, We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. We declare this in the Blessed Name of Jesus. Amen.
© 2006 Declaration of Christ’s Redemption
by Michael DiBartolo
All Rights Reserved.
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