Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Deja Vu

Theories and relativities;
Visions and causalities.
Ever changing the orbit of history,
But never changing the gravity.
That our predicament is heaven sent.
For Freedom’s gains, is Evil’s bent.
An anti-christ with nuclear power,
Has broke the seal in this history’s hour.
Men fail to fear what they can’t comprehend,
Each Day of Judgment, with a moment begins.
Evil’s desire is now Evil’s gains;
It’s ascension to power and humanity’s pain.
A moment, a sliver, a second in time,
Marks the woes of humanity and freedom’s decline.
It’s here, it’s upon us; the circle is complete.
Evil preys upon the innocent,
Because good men chose to sleep.

April 11th, 2006, the President of Iran announced that his government has successfully enriched plutonium for nuclear purposes.


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