Thursday, April 13, 2006

Flight 93

Many imagine what they’d say or do,
When faced with death or trouble brews.
But for 37 souls above our skies,
A choice was made to end their lives.
Not by them but by men of terror,
Attacking our country, but they made one error;
They attacked Americans on that fateful day,
With cell-phones ringing expressing dismay.
They chose to fight to defend our land,
Even if death would be their final stand.
They weren’t soldiers, officers, or armed with guns,
They boiled water as a weapon, and a cart for a gun.
They fought back valiantly on that day of terror.
They caused the terrorist to note their crucial error.
‘HOLD THE DOOR!’ The terrorist cried.
Americans were fighting from the other side;
To thwart the decision to attack our land
In the Pennsylvania sky, they made their stand.
‘Let’s roll!’ is what these Americans said,
Causing these men of terror to know our dread.
This land is ours and defend it we will,
Despite all our flaws, it’s our country still.
At 10:03; no more sounds or sensations,
The heroes of ’93 had defended our nation.


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