Thursday, June 08, 2006

Where's Arnold? Action Hero Governor avoids Iraq

According to a Department of Defense (DOD) report detailing the Reserve and National Guard deployments as of June 7th 2006, California has third highest number of troops deployed in the war on terror.

California has a total of 3,924 reservist and national guard memebers currently deployed in this war on terror, down from 8,089 in July of '05. These men and women are serving our country and representing the Great State of California with honor and yet I could not find any information regarding a visit by our beloved Governor to express the appreciation that all Californians have for their service and sacrifice.

So where's Arnold? Why can't he go and show support for the true heroes that he portrayed on the big screen, earning him millions of dollars?

I did some checking and I was surprised at what I found...

Alamaba's Governor was there and that state has 2,401 troops on active duty.
Wyoming Governor paid our troops a visit and they only have 253 troops on active duty.

So where's Arnold??? Does he not support the troops? Does he not believe that California's guard and reserves, who has the lion's share of active duty soldiers operating in the war on terror, deserve a personal thank you?

In fact, here's what I discovered:


Iowa / 1,391
Montana / 496
Georgia / 6,224 (2nd highest number of guard and reserves deployed)
Texas / 6,248 (highest number of guard and reserves currently deployed)
Florida / 3,034
Wisconsin / 2,778
Massachusetts / 851
Virgina / 1,719
Nevada / 865
W. Virgina / 674
Mississippi / 1,481
Illinois / 1,591
Indiana / 1,504
New York / 1,822
Wyoming / 253
Vermont / 502
Alabama / 2,401
Arkansas / 969

The Governors of all the states listed above have paid our troops a visit to show them our un-wavering support...but where's Arnold? Why is he missing in action?

If I may share a thought with you Governor Schwarzenegger:

In Hollywood...Leadership is implied but not exercised. It comes with the paycheck. The bigger the star, the more the people look to you for leadership and guidance without you having to actually demonstrate the qualities of a leader. Whether your guidance is flawed or not, they continue to kow-tow to your whims(as an actor) because it's Hollywood and you're Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As Governor of California, you have to actually earn our respect as a leader based on how you actually lead. There's no script, there's no special effects, only the people of California waiting for you to actually lead in this state and not behave like some lap dog waiting for scraps from the democratically controlled legislature.

Showing our deployed Reserve and National Guard troops that you're willing to head over to Iraq and personally thank them for their service and sacrifice would be a step in the right direction. Be a leader Governor...represent the People and the great State of California and thank our deployed troops on our behalf. Don't stand around and "let the courts decide"...stand up, call the US Central Command, and advise them that you are headed to Iraq to express your support for our servicemen/women and to asses the conditions on the ground. Do this, then come back and report your findings to the people of California.

Come out from under your rock and show our soldiers that you are willing to brave Iraq long enough to express your support of their service to our country and for our state. My employer may allow me to accompany you if you want a fresh perspective on this whole issue. So make the call, and get back on the radar.

Don't neglect the troops Governor Schwarzenegger. Support them as they support and defend our Constitution, the Iraqis, the Afghans, and our way of life. They deserve that much.

Mike DiBartolo

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