Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Attn. Illegal Immigrants: NOW HIRING

That's right. You read the headline correctly. The Country of Mexico is seeking thousands to assist in the recount of their national election.

No experience, no ID, and no proof of residency is required. Just head on down to Mexico City and report to the nearest recount booth for instructions. If you're early, just rally in front of the Mexican Government buildings until called to begin the recount.

Good luck.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Axis of Weasels

by Mike DiBartolo

Idn't funny how these liberal/progressive (L/P) are now criticizing the Bush Administration on how they're dealing with North Korea and Iran? When Bush called Iraq, Iran, and North Korea the "Axis of Evil" some of these L/P's 'bout blew a gasket. They couldn't understand why Bush would make such a claim.

Now, with North Korea creating instability in Central Asia and Iran threatening to wipe Israel off of the map...those same critics are now saying Bush should do more than forge a diplomatic solution. These same critics of the war in Iraq...these same people who are calling for Bush's impeachment for taking the fight to the terrorist and removing Saddam from power are now questioning why he is not using a preemptive policy when dealing with North Korea.

But it doesn't end there.

If they're not criticizing why Bush isn't implementing the "Bush Doctrine" then they are criticizing the Bush Doctrine as a failed policy.

You can't win with this nutters and they will continue to draw absolutely mindless conclusions to the world we find ourselves in. It's absolutely insane. How can anyone trust their security to these people and the political party they represent? They have taken the philosophy of attacking both sides of every issue in order to condemn all that the US is doing around the world.

On Fox I listened as Allan Colmes drilled some talking head who was invited on the Hannity & Colmes show...suggesting that the Bush Doctrine isn't working. Colmes suggested that Afghanistan and Iraq are failed democracies and that the Bush Doctrine (promoting democracies in troubled areas of the world) is a complete failure. I guess the free elections in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon are failures. I guess the opening of elections in Egypt and the surrendering of WMD technology by Libya are also failed policies.

Then on CNN's 360...Anderson has some other talking head on his show talking about how Bush has abandoned his own doctrine when dealing with North Korea and Iran. They suggested that the Iraqi Front in this war on terror has stopped Bush from doing anything else around the world. No mention that Bush forewarned of these governments more than 3 years ago. No mention of our troops successes in the Horn of Africa or our intelligence success that have thwarted numerous terrorist plots around the globe. These success have occurred despite factions in the main stream press like the New York times who seem to enjoy disclosing any and all efforts to win this war regardless if the efforts are classified or not.

The L/P's are attacking the Bush administration for anything that is happening around the world. They won't mention the UN's inability to deal with North Korea. They won't mention the EU's failed attempts to stop Iran from developing WMDs. And they won't mention any US successes in the war on terror.

In the Democrat's effort to undercut the war effort in Iraq, they have fostered an atmosphere that undercuts our efforts in the overall war on terror. What is truly frightening is that in 2008 we will have a new administration who will inherit a foreign policy that is mired with 'shoulda-woulda-coulda' second guessers and they will of course point the blame elsewhere when asked about their own efforts to undermine US foreign policy.

They are the Axis of Weasels and it is they who are doing their best to sway the American people to think as they do rather than inform the American people of the world around us and how we are engaging this world in the 21st Century.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

North Korea: Real Threat or barking dog?

By Mike DiBartolo

If mankind has a death wish then Kim Jong-il and North Korea is leading the charge to their own destruction. Kim Jong-il is the leader of a starving nation with antiquated technology. The ability to blow a missile up or shoot it into the sea does not a nuclear power make. There's a reason why they aren't "test firing" any more missiles...they can't. Their systems are out dated and their ability to replace what they use is extremely limited.

Kim Jong-il is the Castro of the Eastern Asia. He's the barking dog in a junkyard and he poses no real threat to the US or Japan. His million man army does not even have the ability to project power off of the Korean peninsula. Kim Jong's military is the 8 track to our modern military ipod. Clinton thought he bought him off...and in a way he did. Kim Jong-il has spent all that he received back in '94 and the Bush Administration has seized the counterfeit money Jong was using to finance his shenanigans today. Jong is shooting missiles-to bark louder-to get more scraps from the US...but this time were not buying it.

Sure, we could threaten to blow N. Korea back into the dark ages, but if you've seen a recent satellite image of North Korea, then you would know that they are already there.
The main stream media continues to show us the file footage of Jong's army goose stepping across a parade square...what they should show us are the starving people of N. Korea and the decrepit infrastructure that couldn't support an open air concert let alone a military offensive.

So not to worry...Jong is a street drug peddler...who just happen to find a kilo of smack and now he wants respect from the Colombian Cartels. I say we do to N. Korea what we've done with Cuba...just ignore them.

NY Court of Appeals rules in favor of Democracy

By Mike DiBartolo

In a 4-2 ruling handed down today, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that a marriage between a man and a woman did not violate the constitutional rights of same sex couples in that state.

Judge Robert Smith writing for the majority said New York's marriage law is constitutional and clearly limits marriage to between a man and a woman and that any change in the law should come from the state Legislature.

Judge Smith wrote,

"We do not predict what people will think generations from now, but we believe the present generation should have a chance to decide the issue through its elected representatives,"

This is a blow to the ACLU's campaign to change America's laws through court action rather than through the Democratic process. Four cases were filed in New York two years ago after Massachusetts' State Supreme Court ruled that Massachusetts' Constitution must be amended to include gay marriage. The Court gave the state Legislature 6 months to make the amendment to their Constitution. This Massachusetts ruling bypassed the Legislative process and gave the state court the power to legislate from the bench.

Knowing that New York would not pass a law to legalize gay marriage, the ACLU and other advocate groups tried to force the State of New York to recognize gay marriage through court action. They were hoping for the same results as Massachusetts...they were hoping that the courts would change the Constitution rather than the Legislature doing so on the people's behalf.

In his conclusion, Judge Smith writes,

"We do not imply that there are no persuasive arguments on the other side -- and we know, of course, that there are very powerful emotions on both sides of the question...

We therefore express our hope that the participants in the controversy over same-sex marriage will address their arguments to the Legislature; that the Legislature will listen and decide as wisely as it can; and that those unhappy with the result -- as many undoubtedly will be -- will respect it as people in a democratic state should respect choices democratically made."

This ruling and the deferment to the Legislative process is a shot across the bow of the ACLU. You cannot force through litigation what you fail to accomplish in legislation. It is my desire that other states facing similar challenges would look to this ruling for clarity of our democratic process. The Courts interpret the law...they do not make law. My hats off to the NY Court of Appeals.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Islamo Fascist kill two for watching a soccer match

By Mike DiBartolo

Somalia, the new safe haven for Islamo Fascist who filled the vacuum left after Bill Clinton withdrew our troops from that region, have killed a business owner and a young girl for watching the semi-finals of the World Cup Match.

According to reports, Islamo Fascist gunmen loyal to the Supreme Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC) arrived to close down the cinema in the town, where a crowd had gathered to watch the Germany-Italy World Cup semi-final.

Some of the football fans began to protest and according to reports, the gunmen fired in the air in an attempt to disperse them. When this failed, shots were fired at the demonstrators and two people were killed, leaving at least four injured.

The Islamic courts, endorsed by the terror organization Al Qaeda, first began to close down cinema halls showing Hollywood and Bollywood films last year as their influence expanded, arguing that the presentations contravened their strict interpretation of Islam.

Somalia now ruled by The Islamic Courts is quickly becoming the worlds newest Taliban Government. As a result, Somalia will be a puppet government for Al Qaeda and a haven for radical Islamic extremist from all over the world.

Contributors to this report:

Iraq IS NOT a WMD-Free Zone!

by Mike DiBartolo

In a briefing held on June 29th to the House Armed Services Committee, Army Col. John Chu of the National Ground Intelligence Center and Army Lt. General Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, gave a frank assessment of the WMD program in Iraq and the potential hazard these weapons could cause if in the wrong hands.

According to Col. John Chu, there have been more than 500 weapons found in Iraq since 2003 that constitute Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD) and though these munitions have degraded, the weapons are still very toxic and potentially lethal.

"These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes ... they do constitute weapons of mass destruction," Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee.

According to Samantha L. Quigley with the American Forces Press Service,

"the Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997."

The likelihood of more weapons being found is high. Saddam Hussein's regime carried out an elaborate hide, evade, and dissuade policy that left a great deal of the WMDs within that country unaccounted for.

"I do believe the former regime did a very poor job of accountability of munitions, and certainly did not document the destruction of munitions,"
says Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples.
"The recovery program goes on, and I do not believe we have found all the weapons."

Maples says that Iraq is not a "WMD-free zone" and that the search for WMDs is ongoing.

The main stream press has once again neglected to report on this briefing leaving the American People under the impression that WMDs were never present in Iraq following the first Gulf War. This view has been repudiated with physical WMD evidence and confirmed during this briefing with the House Armed Services Committee.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We hold these truths to be self evident...

By Michael DiBartolo, The Working Patriot:

It seems fitting that the Space Shuttle Discovery fired its powerful rockets and propelled itself into space on the 4th of July, the birthday of this great nation. The US space program is as patriotic as it is scientific. The culmination of thousands of hours of preparation and thousands of components working together to lift the Shuttle and her payload into space exemplifies the American Spirit.

We face challenges head on...and at full throttle. We declare the boundaries of space an obstacle to overcome not a yoke that holds us back. The vastness of space presents opportunities to explore and the chance to discover new horizons. Just as our fore Fathers paved the way for our country to overcome the challenges we faced in the past...so too does the our space program reveal our resolve to face challenges today.

From Crispus Atticus to Martin Luther King Jr., thousands of people investing thousands of hours of their time, their energy, and their hopes for a better tomorrow, have enabled the American Dream to continue on. From George Washington to George W. Bush the American Spirit continues to overcome the obstacles we face today, never to be yoked by doubt and apprehension...blazing a path for future generations.

Just as the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the freedom that we all enjoy...Today, July 4th 2006, we too must renew our pledge for freedom and to the principles that have kept our country strong and united. We too must work together to elevate our nation to new horizons.

Traveling at 17,500mph the Space Shuttle Discovery will encounter a sunrise every 45 minutes for the next 13 days before they fire their thrusters and re-enter the earths atmosphere. Our nation will also encounter new horizons and we must work together, as one nation, to keep our course true to the principles that unite us.

Happy Birthday America!

It was with God's guidance and inspiration that our Nation was born and it is with His providence that we will continue on.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Shuttle's Foam Crack Could Delay Launch

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - NASA inspectors have found a small crack in the foam insulation of the space shuttle Discovery's external fuel tank, prompting mission managers to discuss whether to press ahead with Tuesday's third launch attempt or stand down for repairs.

Somalia: Bin Laden Planning Chaos In Somalia

Zainab Osman

(SomaliNet) According to the Somali Prime Minister,Mohammed Gedi,

"Osama Bin Laden has training camps in Somalia and is intent on plunging the country into further chaos."

North Korea threatens nuclear war against U.S.

North Korea has threatened the United States with nuclear war if any pre-emptive military strikes are launched against the isolated communist country.


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