Tuesday, July 04, 2006

We hold these truths to be self evident...

By Michael DiBartolo, The Working Patriot:

It seems fitting that the Space Shuttle Discovery fired its powerful rockets and propelled itself into space on the 4th of July, the birthday of this great nation. The US space program is as patriotic as it is scientific. The culmination of thousands of hours of preparation and thousands of components working together to lift the Shuttle and her payload into space exemplifies the American Spirit.

We face challenges head on...and at full throttle. We declare the boundaries of space an obstacle to overcome not a yoke that holds us back. The vastness of space presents opportunities to explore and the chance to discover new horizons. Just as our fore Fathers paved the way for our country to overcome the challenges we faced in the past...so too does the our space program reveal our resolve to face challenges today.

From Crispus Atticus to Martin Luther King Jr., thousands of people investing thousands of hours of their time, their energy, and their hopes for a better tomorrow, have enabled the American Dream to continue on. From George Washington to George W. Bush the American Spirit continues to overcome the obstacles we face today, never to be yoked by doubt and apprehension...blazing a path for future generations.

Just as the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to the freedom that we all enjoy...Today, July 4th 2006, we too must renew our pledge for freedom and to the principles that have kept our country strong and united. We too must work together to elevate our nation to new horizons.

Traveling at 17,500mph the Space Shuttle Discovery will encounter a sunrise every 45 minutes for the next 13 days before they fire their thrusters and re-enter the earths atmosphere. Our nation will also encounter new horizons and we must work together, as one nation, to keep our course true to the principles that unite us.

Happy Birthday America!

It was with God's guidance and inspiration that our Nation was born and it is with His providence that we will continue on.


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