Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Working Patriot says....

The following was a response to a question regarding my 'It was Americans' poem...perhaps others would have the same question so I thought I would share it....

Quote by kif kif:

Hi AZ. I've read (your) comments, and while I
have nothing political to add, I would like to comment on your structure.It's
been a while since I've read anything that plays with time. Your intro is
exiting, and you've described/set the scene well.I think this poem shows your
political slant beautifully, and while some might disagree-does the government
rule the people, or the people rule the government, this poem is not forcing an
issue, rather explores it.

kif kif, thanks for reading and I appreciate your comments very much.

Quote by kif kif:

As you've used a historical figure, I'm wondering if you think that the
world is regressing?
What a wonderful question. In this world of progressive politics and progressive idealology why would I refer to the past to address the future?

It's not that I believe the world is regressing but rather progressing past the point of moral clarity for anyone to stand up and say NO!

I used Crispus to represent a moral clarity that the Americans in the poem could all identify with and respect. Not only was Crispus willing to stand for what he believed to be right but he was also willing to shed his blood to attain those rights. What struck many during that time was that a former slave, a black man, would be on the front line fighting for the freedom that not all men had but that all men should have. I believe that relativism will destroy our moral fiber and in doing so destroy our resolve to be free. There are those today who scream about 'rights' and then they scream at you when you exercise those very same rights.

For example:

I went to show my support of a Marine Mom who has started a caravan down to Crawford Texas to say that Ms. Sheehan does not speak for all parents of soldiers or for all Americans. The caravan came through Sacramento and I took off for lunch to show my support... there were those who supported Sheehan across the street yelling and screaming at those who supported this Marine Mom. While the Mom was being interviewed (live) an elderly gentlemen standing next to me began to yell at her..."THAT'S BULLSHIT!" I turned and looked at him and the sign he was holding which suggested that we were 'pro-war and pro-death'. He yells again, "BULLSHIT!" now this woman was speaking about her son who is serving his country and currently in harms way in the war on terror... I leaned close to this irate gentlemen and asked him to show a little respect. I told him that this woman was talking about her son and he should show some respect for her and the interviewers.... his reply to me was..."I DON'T RESPECT FASCIST!"...other spectators began to address this man who insisted that he had the right to be there and so on...

Now if the rolls were reversed and I screamed during an interview for Ms. Sheehan that she was full of bullshit... I would have been condemned and accused of being a fascist for not allowing her to speak her mind. Those people lacked any since of decorum and an open debate of issues could never be discussed in an atmosphere like the one they were trying to produce.

For me, Crispus represents a clear moral line that we shouldn't cross.. and that is that we are ALL Americans and that only united will we be able to leave a better world than the one we received. Each generation places a call for those to stand and lead where none will... but in this generation we don't have those leaders... they have refused the calling by their own generation because of the programming they have received that tells them that what they have to say and what they stand for isn't politically correct or 'fair' so they remain quiet. Their silence has created a vacuum of moral leadership where people like Michael Moore, Mick Jagger, and Cindy Sheehan and groups like the main stream media have decided to fill with their comments and views.

Do you think that those I mentioned above would have been accepted to speak for JFK or FDR or Abraham Lincoln?

I turn to our past for strength, for knowledge and understanding of who we are... we being Americans... and I find in them a character that is missing in today’s society of politics, government, and social growth.

Sorry for the rant... I hope it gives you some insight to why I used Crispus Atticus.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Working Patriot Says....

Voices in the wilderness are often mistaken for a passing breeze; but what they reveal is the truth that we all must face if we are grow as a people and as a nation.

American Zulu

Thursday, August 18, 2005

It was Americans

The year is 2012, 1.5 million people have converged upon Washington DC to hear Crispus Atticus XIV speak to the crowd gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The crowd stretched from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, along side the reflecting pool, past the WWII memorial, the Washington Monument, and ending at Grants Statue and the very steps of the Capital Building. It is an impressive sight to be sure.
The air is full of energy…the crowd hopeful for a message to bring clarity to all that America has seen in the last decade.
Since the attack on 9/11 America has been driven further and further apart by political correctness, anti-war activist, and an economical divide that seems to widened with each minute that passes by.
Crispus Atticus XIV, a direct descendant of Crispus Atticus, one of the first to fall during the revolutionary war, has become a focal point of many Americans who are trying to understand their place in the world and in this new millennium. Crispus Atticus XIV, now 96 years of age has prepared a statement that he, himself, will read. While 1.5 million Americans are here in person to witness this historical event, approximately 60 million viewers are also tuning in to hear what he has to say.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Crispus Atticus XIV.

It was Americans

Uncle Sam Wants You.
Uncle Sam Wants who?

It wudn’t the gov’ment
that fought for the right to govern themselves,
it was Americans.

It wudn’t the gov’ment
that fought to free all of its people, black or white, and
fight to keep the country united,
it was Americans.

Uncle Sam Wants You.
Uncle Sam Wants who?

It wudn’t the gov’ment
who created the cotton gin, or took flight at Kitty Hawk,
it was Americans.

It wudn’t the gov’ment
who built the Model-T, discovered electricity,
or put lights in our homes and on our streets,
it was Americans.

It wudn’t the gov’ment
who connected a continent with tracks of steel
and telegraph wire,
it was Americans.

Uncle Sam Wants You.
Uncle Sam Wants who?

It wudn’t the gov’ment
who was pivotal in winning two world wars,
connecting two oceans, and putting 12 men on the moon,
it was Americans.

It wudn’t the government
who demanded civil rights, designed the micro processor,
and established the largest economy in the world,
it was Americans.

Uncle Sam Wants You.
Uncle Sam needs you.

We are what makes America great and who keeps America strong.
Our government is a system, OF, BY, and FOR the PEOPLE.
When we separate our government from ourselves we create a
hierarchy that our Constitution does not support and our Founding Father’s
would NEVER condone.

In America, there’s no us and them…only WE THE PEOPLE.
While many devote time and energy laying our failures and past sins
before us to be a yoke to burden our pride, our resolve, and our hopes
for a better tomorrow, they conveniently forget what America has already contributed
to the world.

Not me! I will NEVER forget.
And because I will never forget, then I will always know:

We are one Nation.
We are a free people.

Just as Francis Scott Key, the author of our National Anthem, witnessed the onslaught against our country at Fort McHenry, and just as he heard the bombs fall around him…
I too have witnessed such attacks…
and just as Mr. Key was filled with hope and pride at the sight of our flag; Old Glory;
the symbol of our Nation.
I too am filled with hope and pride each and every time I see our flag waving over
our homes, on our vehicles, and over businesses.
I know as they do, that we are still Americans. We are indivisible…

And if I were asked to give an answer to Mr. Key when he asked:

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

I will answer;
Yes! Yes it does still wave!

Uncle Sam is you, my friends.
Uncle Sam is you...

Take our country into the future as only you can;
United as one nation. This is my prayer for us all.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm a Man

I know you’re from a generation,
who would rather protest against our Nation;
and you believed you were doing the world some good.

But I see things much differently,
that was you and you’re not me;
and I’m proud to serve to protect your rights back home.

Remember Mom, I volunteered,
to join the people you once jeered;
they taught me more than how to shoot a gun.

I serve my nation and my team.
I’m doing things some only dream;
and I hope you respect the choices that I make.

I’m proud to do the job I do,
Securing freedom for me and you,
this is a call for those who understand…

That freedom isn’t really free,
it calls upon people just like me,
to stand up when our nation makes the call.

So do your best to understand,
I make this decision as a man,
and I hope you respect it…if I stand or if I fall.

I’m part of American Liberty,
I’m part of a nation being free,
our flag still has meaning in my heart.

So if they hand you a flag one solemn day,
and thank you for the sacrifice that I made;
remember my words the day I chose to join.

I love you Mom with all my heart.
I made my choice to do my part.
A man you raised and a man I have become.

Just as with your generation,
each makes a choice for their nation;
I chose to serve…and I served my country with pride.

This poem was inspired by the grieving mother camping-out in Crawford Texas, blaming the President for the death of her son. I believe that she is doing her son a disservice and we should allow her to grieve without the cameras and the interviews.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Space: The Final Frontier

With the space shuttle Discovery mission coming to a close, many here on earth are debating the mission of our space program and who should pay for it.

According to NASA,
When the crew members of Space Shuttle Discovery are awakened at 8:39 p.m. EDT today, they will immediately begin preparing the orbiter and themselves for landing. They are scheduled to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 4:47 a.m. Monday. The engine burn that drops Discovery from orbit will occur at 3:40 a.m. if weather at the landing site permits.

STS-114, dubbed the most photographed spaceflight, set a new precedent for future test flights. Never-before-seen imagery aided engineers in assessing the Shuttle's external tank performance and ensuring a safe heat shield for return to Earth. A mission of firsts, STS-114 carried the Orbiter's Boom Sensor System on its maiden flight, performed the first back-flip in spaceflight and successfully completed a first-of-its-kind repair to the Shuttle, making spacewalk history. Discovery was the first Space Shuttle to visit the Station since late 2002.

Everyone is waiting with baited breath for the Discovery's return. As a result of being the most photographed spaceflight in NASA history, Discovery has become the most meticulously scanned mission holding national media interest on almost a daily basis. Where somethings would not have even taken notice by mission control now each discovery (no pun intended) is debated by media talking heads giving their 'opinion' on what Houston or the Astronauts are doing, thinking, and stressing.

Critics of the space program see this mission performed by the Discovery Crew to be a clear indicator of how the space program is in dire need of overhaul and civilian funding to offset the cost incurred by the tax payer for a 20 year old fleet of orbiters. Some would even suggest that we stop the space program altogether. Why go to the moon or mars if we can't even make it to the space station without putting our astronauts in extreme peril? A fair question to be sure.

The space program is rooted national pride. The space race with the Soviet Union challenged America to prove that free minds could excel and dream bigger than those of oppressed cultures. Our space program's slow start up which culminated with putting not just one man on the moon but completing 6 missions and a total of 12 men who left their foot prints on another celestial body; Add that to the building of the first fleet of reusable low orbit spacecraft and the US has a great deal to be proud of and there shouldn't be a debate on whether we continue our exploration of the solar system in which we reside. We should continue to push the boundaries of our technology and our understanding of what we know to be the universe. As mankind realizes our uniqueness in the universe, perhaps then will we begin to treat the human race as one.


Friday, August 05, 2005

The Working Patriot says....

This response was to someone placing a counter ‘poem’ blaming Bush for the war on terror and suggesting that if you’re brown skinned then you are at risk of being attacked by the government…they even went as far as to suggest that the Nazis did what they did as Christians and not as totalitarian conquerors… and here’s my reply…

'... let’s take a tally and see what we have.

Weapons of mass destruction discovered in Iraq - zero

People discovered in mass graves in Iraq - 400,000+

Torture chambers - hundreds

Records of torture and death - tens of thousands

While the Whitehouse and the main stream media did focus too much rhetoric on the WMDs there were more than 20 issues cited by congress as reasons to use military force to remove Saddam and his regime. You can speak as if WMDs were the only reason and ignore the atrocities that have been discovered about that regime as a result of Saddam's removal but history will not; history will record the abuses, the deaths, the torture, the extortion, bribery, the complete corruptness of that government and the threat they posed to that region.

If the attacks against the US, Spain, the Philippines, England, Russia, Israel, and Bali...along with the abduction and brutal murder of diplomats, volunteers, women, children, Iraqi policemen, and the Iraqi military won't open your eyes to the war we face today and that this war is so much bigger that Bush or Republicans then your eyes will never be open.

You want to blame the rich white man and suggest that he's out to get the brown skinned people when it was brown skinned people who flew out on that plane you mentioned in your poem. Those brown skinned people are billionaires. They're billionaires because we're not stealing their oil but we're paying a premium price for it. Those brown skinned people who attacked us on 9/11 had come from affluent homes not the ghettos of Faluja. Those brown skinned people who attacked civilians in London were from middle-class neighborhoods and some even travel abroad to gain the knowledge they used to create the explosive death that brought havoc to the tunnels of London. They were not the poor unfortunate misfits of society that some would like to portray.

This is a war of ideals and you want to make it a war of race. Has Bush done everything right? NO. Has anyone in modern history? NO. One thing is clear... there are tens of thousands of Muslims who believe that the western way of life is a debauchery and that it should be removed either by force or by other means. This 'war' is about ideals and who's ideals will lead our societies into the future. The ideals of Isamo Fascist vs. the ideals of free societies. Free societies can prosper only if the people of those societies agree on the principles of law which govern them. If you have a large sect who are inciting and undermining that law then the stability of your society can be at risk if no action is taken.

This war on terror is the action that our government, approved by the majority of the people, has chosen. We can pretend that checking every bag of millions of commuters as they come and go on trains, planes, and buses will secure our society but unless we take the offensive to protect our freedom we will allow the terrorist to persuade our governments to become more totalitarian in order to protect us from the terrorist. This folly of political correctness and weak-kneed response will only be our undoing as a free people.

In every society, in every large city there are gangs who fit a certain profile and our law enforcement can identify that profile and observe them with better scrutiny than they would normally. This isn't unfair or unconstitutional. Terrorism has a profile and we need to identify that profile and not put our entire society under scrutiny. By making everyone a potential terrorist makes the effort vain and futile. Not everyone will be profiled during a manhunt for a serial killer... why should everyone be profiled as a terrorist?'


Thursday, August 04, 2005


(Sing to the melody of 'The Beverly Hillbillies')

Let me tell you a story about
Akmahl Ahmed
Middle class Muslim
Who wish the Zionist were dead

And then one day
he had nothin’ better to do
So he picked up the Koran
an’ became a babblin’ foooo'

Fooool that is…
Islamo Fascist.

Well the first thing ya know
Ahmed’s a terrorist
Kin folk said,
‘Kill all the Zionist!’

Kill all the infidels
Is what you ought to do
So they loaded up the trunk
With a lot of cow pooooo

Poo that it is…
Homemade bombs…

After a few attacks
People start to get scared
ACLU said,
‘Profiling isn’t fair!’

They said,
It’s not JUST the Muslims
who want to kill you
So be politically correct
and check the Christians tooooo

Jesus that is,
Little old ladies,
5 year old kids.

Well the next thing ya know
Liberals turn against the troops
The activist say,
‘What’d they ever do to you?’
They say,
‘their killing us because their lives are so sad.’
So they declared a jihad
and they move to Baghdaaaad

Iraq that is,
Killing Iraqis,
Blowing up kids.

Well the worst thing you can do
To Akmahl Ahmed
Is fight his reign of terror,
And hang a Koran over his bed…

They say it’s their religion
But it’s really a façade,
and that’s all I have to say
About the Islamo Geehaaaad

War that is,
Kill the infidel
Kill us all


And now it’s time to say goodbye to
Ahmed and all his friends
‘cause they’re just intent on killing us
For living in our sins

I hope to see you all next week
To see if we’re still free
‘cause Al Qaeda’s heaping doses
of nothing but hos-tili-teeee

Y’all come to Iraq now…
Ya hear!

By American Zulu
© 2005 The Working Patriot

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