The Working Patriot says....
This response was to someone placing a counter ‘poem’ blaming Bush for the war on terror and suggesting that if you’re brown skinned then you are at risk of being attacked by the government…they even went as far as to suggest that the Nazis did what they did as Christians and not as totalitarian conquerors… and here’s my reply…
'... let’s take a tally and see what we have.
Weapons of mass destruction discovered in Iraq - zero
People discovered in mass graves in Iraq - 400,000+
Torture chambers - hundreds
Records of torture and death - tens of thousands
While the Whitehouse and the main stream media did focus too much rhetoric on the WMDs there were more than 20 issues cited by congress as reasons to use military force to remove Saddam and his regime. You can speak as if WMDs were the only reason and ignore the atrocities that have been discovered about that regime as a result of Saddam's removal but history will not; history will record the abuses, the deaths, the torture, the extortion, bribery, the complete corruptness of that government and the threat they posed to that region.
If the attacks against the US, Spain, the Philippines, England, Russia, Israel, and Bali...along with the abduction and brutal murder of diplomats, volunteers, women, children, Iraqi policemen, and the Iraqi military won't open your eyes to the war we face today and that this war is so much bigger that Bush or Republicans then your eyes will never be open.
You want to blame the rich white man and suggest that he's out to get the brown skinned people when it was brown skinned people who flew out on that plane you mentioned in your poem. Those brown skinned people are billionaires. They're billionaires because we're not stealing their oil but we're paying a premium price for it. Those brown skinned people who attacked us on 9/11 had come from affluent homes not the ghettos of Faluja. Those brown skinned people who attacked civilians in London were from middle-class neighborhoods and some even travel abroad to gain the knowledge they used to create the explosive death that brought havoc to the tunnels of London. They were not the poor unfortunate misfits of society that some would like to portray.
This is a war of ideals and you want to make it a war of race. Has Bush done everything right? NO. Has anyone in modern history? NO. One thing is clear... there are tens of thousands of Muslims who believe that the western way of life is a debauchery and that it should be removed either by force or by other means. This 'war' is about ideals and who's ideals will lead our societies into the future. The ideals of Isamo Fascist vs. the ideals of free societies. Free societies can prosper only if the people of those societies agree on the principles of law which govern them. If you have a large sect who are inciting and undermining that law then the stability of your society can be at risk if no action is taken.
This war on terror is the action that our government, approved by the majority of the people, has chosen. We can pretend that checking every bag of millions of commuters as they come and go on trains, planes, and buses will secure our society but unless we take the offensive to protect our freedom we will allow the terrorist to persuade our governments to become more totalitarian in order to protect us from the terrorist. This folly of political correctness and weak-kneed response will only be our undoing as a free people.
In every society, in every large city there are gangs who fit a certain profile and our law enforcement can identify that profile and observe them with better scrutiny than they would normally. This isn't unfair or unconstitutional. Terrorism has a profile and we need to identify that profile and not put our entire society under scrutiny. By making everyone a potential terrorist makes the effort vain and futile. Not everyone will be profiled during a manhunt for a serial killer... why should everyone be profiled as a terrorist?'
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