Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's No Surprise

It’s no surprise
when they come at our kids.
They tell them,
being a man doesn’t mean what it did.
There’s no right and wrong,
only left and right.
If you must believe in a god, then keep ‘her’ out of this fight.

It’s no surprise
when they use emotion
and moral relativism,
to replace logic and reason in the class room and on television.
Revising our history,
and ignoring the truth;
finding evil conspiracies in everything we do.

It’s no surprise when they decided
to stop debating men
and began indoctrinating children; that it was the beginning of the end.
Our courts have lost their power
because our laws have lost the truth.
It’s how you feel which rules this hour
national pride is now taboo.

It’s no surprise our country’s weaker
It’s no surprise our children are too.
It’s no surprise our country’s lacking
moral clarity and the respect for truth.

It’s no surprise they hate their country
they actually despise the red, white, and blue.
They say that we’re the terrorist – warmongers
and it is their hope that we get our due.

It’s no surprise
a tempest is stirring
a dark day is coming for me and you.
The sound we’ll hear is freedom crying;
terror and relativism succeed in their coup

History ignored
is history repeated
a house divided will never survive.
It’s no surprise our will is diminished.
It’s no surprise when freedom dies.

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