Saturday, December 10, 2005

China: The Red Dragon (Revisited)

After reading a recent report about Chinese police firing on a crowd of protestors and multiple deaths being reported, I couldn’t help but to think of this poem. There are western corporations and governments alike who are so intertwined with Chinese commerce that they are incapable of speaking out against Chinese oppression. As foretold in this piece, the treat to world peace does not lie in the Middle East but with the union of three regions that will become the greatest threat free men have ever seen.

The US is constantly condemned for how it fights a war against tyrants and Islamic Fanatics yet the world community remains relatively silent while regimes like China and Iran reveal their true nature more and more each day. When there are reports that read:

Hundreds of riot police armed with guns and shields surrounded and sealed off a southern Chinese village where authorities shot dead as many as 20 demonstrators this week," villagers said.

One has to take pause and reassess where China is heading with regards to civil rights, foreign trade, treaties, and military build up. China's ally, the Country and government of Iran,who’s President just recently denied the Holocaust and proposed that all of Israel be relocated to Europe and this came after he called for the destruction of Israel. When the residents of one of the most powerful militaries in the world says:

“The riot police are gathered outside our village. We’ve been surrounded,” she said, sobbing. “Most of the police are armed. We dare not to go out of our home.”

And the story ends with the deaths of those same villagers, one has to REALLY look at the threats the free world faces today and what are those threats doing to increase their position against free and democratic societies?

I wonder how the people of England felt back in the late 1930s as they heard the reports of the Nazi army marching under France’s Arch de Triumph? What was going through their minds as they watched a threat grow stronger and stronger and they remained deluded by the notion there was still no direct threat to their nation?

I fear the answer to my questions will be revealed all too soon. The answer will be that it isn’t history that is repeating itself but lessons that are never learned. Just as the same seals go to the same beaches where they are consumed by the same killer whales year in and year out…so too does mankind repeat the same follies, while making the same excuses, while the same type of madmen continue to reek havoc on our planet.

Enjoy the poem…

Red Dragon

You’ve slept long enough
Centuries have passed and your greatness has not been honored
You were once the center of the universe…reclaim your rightful place
Set the square on fire, bring the world under your feet
No wall can contain you, no boundary can restrict you
Even the oceans will appear as ponds when you breath fire across the heavens
The pearl of the orient is but a gem to adorn your feet
Tyrants have massed a million men to fight on your behalf
Awaken! A billion souls cry out for you to AWAKEN!!
They know not that you will destroy them too, they only know that YOU are the Dragon
The center of the Universe.

The Lady of the Island grows weak and is distracted
She will not be able to slay you or return you to your slumber
Her followers have deserted her, her third eye is blind and her sword is dull
Her words will not penetrate your armor, her shield cannot resist your flame
Her demise will be your ascension, fight she will, but your scales are many
Her sword will not harm you.
Awaken Red Dragon, reclaim your rightful place…
Awaken Red Dragon, a new millennium has dawned.
You have been summoned by the ancestors to carve the world in their image,
they have sacrificed their young for you, they have slaughtered their daughters for you.
Awaken Red Dragon…

It is time.

American Zulu

While we remain distracted with the war on terror, a greater threat rises from the east. China, the Red Dragon, is awakening. The development of Chinese long range missiles, submarines, and nuclear technology along with North Korea's 1 Million man army poses a serious threat not only to the region but to the world. We have forgotten that China did not allow democratic reforms... they crushed it under tanks in Tiananmen Square and arrested the students who wanted freedom. Communist China is up to more than just making cheap goods... They have stolen technology, and continue to develop offensive weapons capable of reaching targets thousands of miles away. If China partners with Iran, Russia, and North Korea… we will have a new world order indeed....

American Zulu
June 10th, 2005

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