Monday, November 21, 2005

CNN's Freudian Glitch

It’s 11:04am, 8:04am on the West Coast, and the Vice President is handing the opponents of the war in Iraq another highlight filled speech. CNN, obviously not happy with what’s being said by the vice-President unintentionally decided to reveal their true feelings about the VP.

According to the Drudge Report, “a large black 'X' repeatedly flashed over the vice president's face!
The 'X' over Cheney's face appeared each time less than a second, creating an odd subliminal effect.”

The Whitehouse expressed concerns about the CNN Report.

Appearing on Hannity & Colmes, Drudge said the X's appeared for "less than a 15th of a second" each. "It was almost subliminal," he said. "However, when you slow down the tape you see Dick Cheney's face with a large X on it." "I think they've gotta give an explanation," Drudge added.

According toTVNewser, CNN gave the following explanation, "Upon seeing this unfortunate but very brief graphic, CNN senior management immediately investigated. We concluded this was a technological malfunction not an issue of operator error. A portion of the switcher experienced a momentary glitch. We obviously regret that it happened and are working on the equipment to ensure it is not repeated."

Alan Colmes read CNN's response on the air at the end of H&C, citing TVNewser. But Drudge wasn't satisfied.

"It glitched over and over again, eh?," he asked. "The timing of the glitch is interesting..."

Click here for the complete transcript of the VP's remarks

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