Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving: Truly American

It’s a time for family, good eats, and thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one holiday that is truly quintessentially American. We give thanks to our Christian God for blessing us here in the good ole U.S. of A. We eat until we are full and then we eat some more. We enjoy the company of friends and loved ones and relax in the peace of the society we call America.

During this time there are community and religious outreach programs meant to bring this day of thanksgiving to all Americans, including the homeless and poor across our country. On Thanksgiving, bellies are full, debate topics are worn thin, and all around the world Americans take time to give thanks. There could be no greater representation of the American heart and the American spirit. We want to enjoy the life that God has blessed us with and we want to share with others the blessings bestowed upon us.

Thanks to God for American Freedom and the blessings that come with this cherished right. Thanks to all those defending and protecting Freedom against oppression and thank you to those who stand watch on America’s streets keeping us safe at home. You are all American heroes and without you doing what you do, America would not have a Thanksgiving at all.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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