Monday, November 14, 2005

ANWR Veto: The Battle for America’s future

The US Congress has developed the attitude of …’Every incumbent for himself!’ and they seem to be increasing the speed of their departure away from the issues that have polarized the nations views surrounding the President and the war on Terror. It would appear that the Republican Congress does not have the leadership or the wherewithal to withstand the continuous Democrat attacks on their policy and their President.
"We need moderate Republicans to truly step over the line today and give their blood oath that they are not going to vote for a bill this month, next month or next year that contains the Arctic," said Rep. Jay Inslee, D-Wash.

The Republican Party has failed the American People by pulling the budget for drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR). It is vital to our strategic interest and that of a stable economy to wean ourselves from our dependence on foreign oil. ANWR has the oil and our nation needs the oil. There is no rational explanation for pulling ANWR from this year’s Federal Budget. Our politicians have placed their personal interest ahead of the nations and then shield themselves behind their constituents when asked to explain their decision.

Ron Talley, spokesman for the Main Street Partnership consisting of six anti-drilling Republicans, led by Rep. Charles Bass of New Hampshire said, “This is nothing against Sen. Stevens. This is nothing against the leadership or the President this is basically preservation for these people in local politics."

Sarah Chamberlain Resnick, executive director of the Republican Mainstreet Partnership, said she expected that the group's moderate lawmakers would show added independence in coming months. "This is to maintain the majority, and, if somebody has to show a little separation to maintain the majority, I assume the leadership will understand that," she said.

It’s painfully clear that the Republicans cannot stay united on the issues that are important to Americans. It’s time for the President to use his own ‘nuclear option’ and veto any budget that does not include drilling in ANWR. President Bush needs to lead the nation domestically just as strongly as he does for national security. A veto threat by the President will draw attention to the ANWR issue and reveal the true nonsensical politics that have polluted the issue and has placed in jeopardy our nations future energy needs. President Bush needs to remind the Congress that he is a separate power within our government and he has the ability to stop foolish legislature and redirect the attention of the Congress to the issues that the American people demand that they address. Gas prices are high on the list of concerns for the average American voter and the Congress needs to recognize that and act in the best interest of the American people.

The President needs to make it clear to the people of the US what drilling in ANWR will do for our nation. An area less than 1% of the entire ANWR region has enough oil to supply the US for 30 years. The truth needs to be aired before the American people and the President needs to bring all of his options to bear to ensure that the people understand what their elected leaders are doing for their long term energy goals.

M. DiBartolo
American Zulu

Some information in this story
came from Anchorage Daily News.

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