Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterans Day 2005

This years Veterans Day comes during trying and disturbing times in our nation. Not only do we have veterans who are currently in harms way protecting our way of life, we also have a consorted effort within our own borders by those who would undermine our men and women in the service.
Disagreeing and even protesting during a time of war is a right that’s protected by our constitution. Undermining our military, dishonoring their service and sacrifice, and sending a message that their efforts aren’t appreciated is a travesty.
Cities like San Francisco have gone so far as to restrict all military recruiting within their city limits. They have also voted to undermine the constitution that our men and women have sworn to protect by placing a ban on the sell and possession of any firearms within their jurisdiction. This speaks directly against the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution which guarantees our right to bare arms.
The City Council of Sacramento, the capitol of California, has taken it upon themselves to not only officially condemn the war on terror but they have called for the immediate withdrawal of our troops from the Iraqi region; A region where our troops have performed heroically in the defense of freedom and they continue to perform above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that the war on terror does not reach our shores again.
So as our troops, our veterans, our American heroes are fulfilling their oath to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States; we have activist groups, detached politicians, and aloof liberal voters who are going out of their way to speak against our troops and undermine their efforts while demoralizing their spirits.
San Francisco may have a beautiful panoramic view of the bay, and a skyline that causes envy across the globe, their attitude towards our military is ugly and their behavior is embarrassing to those Americans who understand the cost of freedom.
This Veterans Day, I would encourage you to make a conscience effort to show your support to those who have taken the oath to place their lives ahead of ours in the defense of our nation.
• Shake a hand
• Say a prayer
• Look them in the eye and say thank you
• Tell your children about those military heroes of your past and of those who serve today
• Attend a Veterans Day Parade
• Show your support to those who stand watch over America’s freedom
• Adopt a Soldier/Airman/Sailor/Marine

When you’re done, be sure to boycott San Francisco.
• Don’t fly out of their airport
• Don’t visit as a tourist
• Don’t support their sports teams
• Don’t do business in that City whatsoever

Take time this Veterans Day and show you care about our men and women in harms way.

Mike DiBartolo
American Zulu

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