Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Moscow Mayor says we (the West) can learn a thing or two from them...

"Our way of life, our morals and our tradition -- our morals are cleaner in all ways. The West has something to learn from us and should not race along in this mad licentiousness,"

Hmmmmm, does he have a point? Even with all the that Russia isn't doing for their people with regards to democratic freedoms; should we throw the baby out with the bath water? Should there be a line in the sand? Is our behavior a reflection of our moral character or is it something else.

Women hurled eggs and fruit (no pun intended) at the Gay Activists trying to complete an illegal march on the monument of the unknown soldier who had fallen during the war to defeat Nazi Germany. All the while shouting, "Moscow is not Sodom".

I assume, the activist are implying that to not tolerate homosexual behavior is to be a Nazi...but I can't say for sure.

One thing is true in the West, we do have our own Sodom and I for one will not travel there. San Francisco has become our Sodom and perhaps if we had made a more earnest effort to make a moral stand for our country then perhaps we would not be where we are today where children are indoctrinated at an early age to accept and on some levels experiment to determine their sexuality as if there isn't a natural design of sexuality for our species.

The Mayor of Moscow might just have a point. We can tolerate ones own behavior but that does not mean that we must redefine our own or our history to accommodate what is an obvious choice in lifestyle.



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