Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Senator Schumer shifts legislative powers to Supreme Court

While I wouldn't begin to contend that Schumer is 'today' making such a monumentally flawed political move, his words tonight following President Bush's nomination to the Supreme Court - judge John G. Roberts Jr., revealed a great deal as to how the liberals and the politically impotent obstructionist of the democratic party see the role of the Supreme Court.

Schumer, who made it clear he voted against Roberts when nominated for the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, never bothered to mention that he was one of only three senators IN THE ENTIRE SENATE who voted against Roberts' nomination to the appeals court.

Durbin ~ the man who likened our troops to Nazi death camp soldiers,


Kennedy ~ the man who believes the war in Iraq is unnecessary and has only caused more dangers,

aren't the best character references if you ask me.

Following the Presidents introduction/nomination of Roberts, Sen.. Lehey and Sen. Schumer maintained their tantrums and made their veiled threats of lengthening the process (saying months not weeks) and insisting that Roberts answer probing questions regarding his personal political and religious views.

But what struck me most was Schumer's comments when he was stating the role of the Supreme Court. Schumer said that the Supreme Court 'Makes the law'. This is a fundamental change from our three party system and the balance of power established by our founding fathers. Giving the Judicial branch the authority to 'make law' makes the role of the President subjective to both branches of government; laws can be 'legalized' without any veto power from the president.

President Bush described the role of a Justice of the Supreme Court this way:

"(a Supreme Court Justice needs to) strictly apply the Constitution and the laws, not legislate from the bench."

The contrast couldn't be greater. Schumer's words, however, will resonate with those anti-war zealots, left-wing liberals, and obstructionist of the civil process and they will echo and amplify the 'concerns' of the 'American People'. As they amplify their concerns and justify their protests just remember how the leaders of their political group viewed the role of the Supreme Court...

'They make the Law.'

American Zulu


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