Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What does Al Qaeda see that the Dems continue to miss?

An Iraqi car thief...

a fugitive,

and a terror cell leader go into Iraq...

What do they find???

Nothing but grief.

According to a recently translated document of a senior Al Qaeda operative in Iraq, the US led war on terror and the liberation of Iraq is succeeding and Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQ) are at their wits end to do anything about it.

The documents, captured in mid - April by US forces and translated in early May were released by the USCENTCOM on May 9th. The documents reveal the frustrations of the terrorist group and their inability to gain the upper hand in anything they attempt. Noting that all they are able to do is to take sniper shots at wayward police patrols and/or plant booby traps among civilians with the hope that they may hit an American or Iraqi official. The document states;

"these activities could be understood as hitting the scared and the hiding ones, which is an image that requires a concerted effort to change, as well as Allah’s wisdom."

The document, titled 'Baghdad State of Affairs', reads like a frank assessment by an internal auditor or adviser recruited to identify problems in one of their satellite offices. It identifies areas of concerns, speaks of foreseeable problems, and identifies those who are helping and those who are hurting the operation.

After reading the document, it is quite clear that the terrorist do not believe that they can hold Baghdad if the new Iraqi government succeeds.

"the Americans and the (Iraqi) Government were able to absorb our painful blows, sustain them, compensate their losses with new replacements, and follow strategic plans which allowed them in the past few years to take control of Baghdad as well as other areas one after the other. That is why every year is worse than the previous year as far as the Mujahidin’s control and influence over Baghdad."

You ask, where does the Mujahidin fit into all of this? Well, in a 2003 the Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) report, defined the Mujahadin as an umbrella terrorist organization,

"...(who are) led by radical Islamic elements, and includes Taliban, al-Qaida and other Arab fighters who entered Iraq to fight against the Americans." Al Qaeda established this umbrella group in attempt to coordinate the different factions waring against the US and Coalition troops. So take caution when listening to anyone stating that the war in Iraq is a civil war between Iraqis. Refer them to this letter by a senior Al Qaeda operative and ask them to define the 'Mujahidin of Iraq' in terms that only include Iraqis.

In this letter, two particular "leaders" are discussed:

The car thief -

"...has little and simple experience in the military field and does not have a clear vision about the current stage and how to deal with it Most of his work at al-Rassafah County is to take cars to the Jubur Arab Tribes, convert them into booby traps and take them back inside Baghdad for explosion."


the fugitive -

"...The current commander of Northern al-Karkh (Abu-Huda) is very concerned because of his deteriorating security situation caused by being pursued by the Americans, since they have his picture and voice print. Therefore, his movement is very restricted and he is unable to do anything here. We should remove him from Baghdad to a location where he can work easier; otherwise he is closer to become totally ineffective."

"Totally ineffective" and lacking a "clear vision" says a lot about AQ's recruiting drive. They have limited resources and they lack leaders with any experience to wage their war against us successfully. The document detailing these and other observations was intercepted prior to Abu Musab al Zaqawi meeting the business end of two 500lb bombs courtesy of the US military. After losing Zaqawi, AQ has been scrambling to replace him and to establish themselves as a relative force in the war on terror. Despite the bleak assessment made by one of Al Qaeda's own, they know that they can still paint the illusion of significance by performing brutal and/or spectacular acts of terror which draws the main stream media like moths to a flame, thus aiding Al Qaeda in their war of propaganda.

This propaganda seems to be all that the Democrats are able to see. Their myopic view of terrorism in Iraq only allows them to see what would benefit them politically causing them to miss the entire forest of terror we find ourselves in. One such act happened about a week after Zaqawi was killed. Following an ambush, two US servicemen were abducted from a check point in southern Iraq. Days went by with no word of their condition; then our soldiers discovered two unidentifiable bodies amidst explosives rigged to kill anyone trying to render aid.

According to a CBS/AP report,

the director of the Iraqi defense ministry's operation room, Maj. Gen. Abdul-Aziz Mohammed said that the bodies showed signs of having been tortured. "With great regret, they were killed in a barbaric way," he said.

The claim of responsibility was made in the name of the Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of five insurgent groups led by al Qaeda in Iraq. The group posted an Internet statement Monday claiming it was holding the American soldiers captive.

"We give the good news... to the Islamic nation that we have carried God's verdict by slaughtering the two captured crusaders," said the claim, which appeared on an Islamic militant Web site where insurgent groups regularly post statements and videos.
"With God Almighty's blessing, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer carried out the verdict of the Islamic court" calling for the soldiers' slaying, the statement said.

Assuming these reports are true, AQ has managed in one act to elevate themselves back into the limelight of butchery and barbarism and the Democrats have bought into it hook, line, and sinker. Instead of bringing to al-Muhajer what we brought to Zaqawi, they want our troops to withdraw. Leaving these butchers free to plot and scheme to perform even more atrocious acts in the future.

What this new leader of AQ fails to realize is that our military will not take lightly what they have done. Our resolve will increase, our tenacity will multiply, and our troops will be avenged. AQ has lashed out like a cornered animal and they have drawn more innocent blood, but their acts of barbarism in the name of their "religion" will only bring American/Iraqi justice to them even faster.

They may have convinced the Dems and the main stream press that they are winning this war, but in reality, they are being squeezed tighter and tighter by our operations in Iraq and soon....very soon, they will no longer be an effective force in the Iraqi theater.

I'm sure that they are watching the events happening in Somalia very closely. Staying in Iraq will only afford them with two options; retreat or die.

Michael DiBartolo

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