Tuesday, June 06, 2006


666? Can you say Hype, hype, hype! Now I have to give it to the producers of The Omen (the remake); marketing the release of their film today was a great idea...but for everyone else?

Give me a break! In the year 666 AD there was hardly a world event that occurred... I believe Sicily was raided around that time but in 2006 we have churches all over the globe having 'pray-ins' I guess that's like having a sit-in only...you pray???

I'd put this day of hype up there with the Y2K Bug as far as hype is concerned. I'm sure there are some nutters who are doing their best to talk to their ol' pal Satan on this unholy of days...but for the rest of us...


If you really want to look for the mark of the beast, I'd check the following hairlines for a number comparison:

~ Hillary Rodom Clinton
~ Any lawyer affiliated with the ACLU
~ Nancy Pelosi
~ Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
~ And those people on the corner of my street who refuse to maintain their yard. They probably have 666 weeds growing there right now!

Mike D.


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