Friday, September 02, 2005

Help is on the way! Donate now to Gulf area relief.

The Working Patriot (TWP) is supporting the efforts to relieve the refugees affected by Hurricane Katrina. I will be heading to Houston with the Red Cross to assist in the recovery effort. Our brothers and sisters need our help, our prayers, and our donations. Depending on where I am assigned... I will update this blog site with reports from the front line. There are human stories, personal tragedies, and personal heroes in every corner of the gulf region and we not only need to report those stories but we need to do all that we can to help families unite with lost loved ones... I will forward the names of those I come across to this blog to help get their message out that they are alive and OK. There will be many who are not OK but we need to do what we can to bring that region under control....' And let me be the first to invite you to Mardi Gras 2006. We will be there to celebrate the recovery of that region and the spirit of our nation... As often stated in TWP... it's not the government but the people who make America great. Pray for us all... AZ

Update: 9/3/05

I just got in touch with my sister Kenya [praise God!], she has given me an update on the rest of my family on my Dad's side: My Dad was in New Orleans just before the storm, he flew back to his home in Atlanta on Saturday and upon seeing the news re: Katrina, he called and told my sisters to come to Atlanta. Kenya and my sister Tanya had decided to stay for a multiple of reasons; finances and the fact that their Mom decided to stay in town and ride the storm out were top on their list. My Grandfather was just as intent on riding out the storm.

On Sunday, Kenya had a dream that troubled her. She dreamt that they would not survive if they stayed. She shared this with her mom and they decided to load up everyone and go on a 15 hour ride to Atlanta. They had evacuated on Monday. My younger brother made it to Atlanta on Tuesday and Grandfather is also with them safe and sound. My Uncle Mike is on his way to Austin after escaping New Orleans a day or so ago. My Sister Sonya was already in Atlanta and her mom is also safe in Texas. With all that good news there are still people trapped in that city and the surrounding areas.

Kenya's brother is a New Orleans police officer who, despite the pleads to leave, remained to do what he could to help those in need. She also has a friend who's still trapped in her home. My Aunt Maude, and cousins Michael (and his kids) and Mary are across the river from the flooded area in Marrero, they're home has been damaged by fallen trees but there's no flood damage that we've heard about. The last report I have was that they were still in the home. I have an Aunt Von whose home is in the shadow of the Superdome...we have no information on her, her children or grand children. My Cousin Ashley had just left from Arizona for college at Alcorn State in Mississippi. We have no information on her whereabouts or condition. My Sister's street was completely flooded. The water had risen to the roofs of 2 story homes in their area.

There are families affected throughout this region and the nation...When talking with Kenya she remarked that this was the first day that she hadn't started the day crying. She was beginning to think that the worst is over...I pray that she's right. AZ

Update 9/4/05

Just got off the phone with my Dad. He has been in communication with people in New Orleans via Nextel radio. My Uncle Graylin evacuated his family before the storm hit. He's in charge of security at one of the local (5 star) hotels. During this entire ordeal, it has been his voice that was heard more than most over the radio, keeping is team calm, reassuring those who took refuge in the hotel (this includes the Mayor of New Orleans). He's told my dad that he will see this through...his family is safe and his city is in need. Graylin is the one my dad would refer to when speaking with those who chose to ride this storm out... he would tell them to get to the hotel and that they would be safe. Those who did take his advice are safe, thanks to people like Graylin.

My Dad now has 15 souls in his home and 7 are children. They are safe from harm but still harmed by what they have experienced. My nephew, who's 5, asked my Dad...'PauhPauh, what if the storm comes here?' To a child this storm is a menace who is still out there hurting people...I told my dad that there's some truth to that...that there were two natural and one man made.

My Grandfather was taken to the local hospital last night with a fever and feeling very ill... the test came back negative leading them to believe that the stress of the entire ordeal has taken its toll on everyone. My two sisters and brother have gone to a Red Cross command station to register for assistance. My family has also registered the kids for school in the Atlanta area. The local school districts aren't requiring any documentation, they are just going to take the kids in, test them for placement, and give them something other than this disaster to think about.

Atlanta has opened their City Zoo to all those who have children from this tragedy to come and try to enjoy the park and the animals...again trying to give the kids something other than this event to think about.

Three homes are completely underwater, two with wind damage and another 3 or 4 that I just don't have any information on.

People are donating clothes and school supplies to my Dad to help them get settled...he will let me know what other needs there are so we can get that help to them as soon as possible.

I still have no word on my family in the east bank, my cousin in Mississippi just north of New Orleans, and my two Aunts who lived in the neighborhood around the Super Dome. Your continued prayers and assistance to any and all families affected by this disaster would be appreciated.

Side Bar:

Texas is now asking for assistance. They are asking that other states take in some of the tens of thousands of 'displaced citizens' that have been evacuated to Texas cities. This is more than one state can handle. California has more land than it knows what to do with. There's no reason why our state could not offer state land to help house these survivors until we revive New Orleans! I think I'll email the Gov. right now....AZ

9/6/05 Update (submitted by Mitch):

Hi, Mike,

I didn't know that Ashley, Walter's daughter was in Mississippi, so I haven't heard
anything from or about her, yet.

I talked to Mama's sister, Maude (known to us as Aunt Tee) on Saturday. She's in her
house in Marrero and her daughter, Brenda, and son, Michael, are staying with her. They're all safe and sound, although Aunt Tee's houses was hit by a tree. It didn't sound like it did a
tremendous amount of damage, though.

Brenda said that her house, also in Marrero, is fine, although it suffered a little
roof damage. Her kids and grandkids are staying there. Brenda, who was a
quality control manager in the VA Hospital there, said that the hospital was
flooded and evacuated but that employees will be paid for the next 60 days
anyhow and will have the option of transferring to other VA hospitals.
She's thinking about transferring to the one in La Porte, TX, (I think that's the name) where
her brother, Ivan (also known as Junior) lives.

I tried calling Cousin Kenneth yesterday but the phone system
isn't working where he and his family evacuate to. They're staying
with Marqulyn there. I'll try again today.

As of Saturday, Aunt Maude hadn't heard from her sister, Aunt Sandra,
who had lived near the superdome but evacuated before the storm
and went to stay with her daughter in Biloxi.

Cousin Lanika has been in Florida all along and doesn't seem to
have been affected by the storm or flood.

I talked to your Aunt Jean on Sunday and she said that we had an uncle,
Shorty Lawson, living in NO but no one has heard from him. I'll call Mama and
Daddy today to see if they've heard anything.

Anyhow, that's the story. Like I said, I'm going to try to get updates today.

Take care,


9/7/05 Update:

Red Cross has dispatched me to Baton Rouge to help with the mass causalities...I will update as soon as I can. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

I have added a link for Katrina Survivors Family Locator for Red Cross

Update 9/18/05

Thank you all for your prayers. We have located all but one family group (the Lawsons) and we are still praying for their safe return. I have searched the shelters where I was assigned as well as search multiple data-bases looking for them to be registered in shelters from Oklahoma to Georgia...but to date... there's been no info.

If you're looking to help families affected by this tragedy, then please consider fall and winter clothing (sweaters, jackets, gloves, knit caps). Thousands of residents from the gulf region are now in climates where the seasonal change will be drastic and they are ill prepared for these changes. Your assistance in this area would be greatly appreciated.

My experience in Houston was heart wrenching. I witnessed the outpouring of love from around the country and I witnessed the heart-ache of those devastated by the storm and the aftermath. Red Cross, local churches, and good people from around the country did all they could to assist the residents at Reliant Park. I will share some of my thoughts along with photos in this blog as an essay of the experience. If you're debating on whether or not you want to help... I would encourage you to do so. From volunteers to victims, from Houston P.D. to FEMA one thing I heard consistently was the enormous response from across the country...California to New York, Minnesota to Puerto Rico Americans came to help. We didn’t wait on the ‘mobilization’ of the Federal Government or the local media. We went because a cry for help was heard by all and they still need our help, our prayers, and our unity to go with them through this entire experience.

Update 9/20/05

(Submitted by my Uncle 'Mitch')

Here's an update on our kinfolks down in New Orleans and Mississippi, who were affected by Katrina and the levee flood.

-- Aunt Tee (Maude) and her kids and their families are all OK. None of their homes suffered major damage

but both Aunt Tee's house and Brenda's do have rooof and ceiling damage. Aunt Tee's house just got the electricity back on today. Prior to this, they've been using a diesel generator to power the house.

-- Brenda, who worked as a manager at the VA hospital that was flooded, has moved to Houston with Junior (IVAN), and has gotten a job at the VA hospital there.

-- Kenneth, whose daughter was to attend Xavier this fall, has reenrolled her in the University of Texas at Houston, because Xavier was flooded. Kenneth's house in Harvey is fine.

-- Michael, who lives with Aunt Tee, along with his son, is still off work, but getting paid. He said he's going back to work next week.

-- Aunt Von (Sandra) has reported in and she's OK.

-- Uncle Shorty is still unaccounted for.

-- Ashley, who is attending Alcorn State University near Jackson, MS, has been located and is fine.

She and many other students had evacuated the school before the hurricane hit and was out of contact for a while.

-- Mike DiBartolo took leave from his job to go down to Houston to volunteer for the Red Cross. He has seen a lot. He heads back to Sacramento this week.

-- Ivan (Junior), who lives in Houston and works for FEMA as an assessor, has been called in to report to New Orleans. He figures he’ll be on the job for six-eight months.

-- Still haven't been able to get in telehone contact with Marqulyn, in Vasherie, LA.



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